PhD course in Methods and Methodology in the Archeological and Art Historical Research

Educational Offer 180 CFU

Type of Training activities:

Characterizing training activities (1 cfu=2 hours of frontal lesson)

Other training activities (F)

Laboratory 1 CFU=4 hours training

Final exam


30 cfu (common to the two curricula) characterizing training activity-frontal teaching-60 hours

Research on history and languages of arts: Theories, methods and critical perspectives 15 cfu 30 hrs.
(3 modules of 10 hours: ssds L/ART 04 M/FIL 04)

History, theories and methods of archaeological research 15 cfu 30 hrs. (3 modules of 10 hours ssds L/ANT 07, L/ANT 10)

I module History of research on ancient art. 10 hrs. ssd L/ANT 07

II module 10 hrs. ssd L /ANT 07 Models of iconography reading and figurative programmes

III module 10 hrs. ssd L/ANT 10 History and systems of reading and interpretation of landscapes

Other training activities (type F)

10 cfu language skills

10 cfu seminars, conventions, conferences

10 cfu personal research and writing the thesis


15 cfu (30 hours) frontal teaching characterizing activity:

Historical-critical issues and perspectives of humanistic research 5 cfu 10 hours (common to the two curricula) (2 modules of 5 hours, ssds M/FIL 03, M/FIL 06)

Curriculum Archeology and Territorial systems 10 cfu 20 hours

Philological analysis of materials and interpretative models: 5 credits 10 hours

(2 modules, ssds L/ANT 04, L/ANT 07)

Urban and territorial contexts in the Mediterranean: a systemic approach, 5 credits 10 hours

(two modules: ssds L/ANT 06, L/ANT 02)

Curriculum History of art, aesthetics and image languages: 10 cfu 20 hours

History of art in the Mediterranean countries in medieval and modern times 5 cfu 10 hours
(2 modules: ssds. L/ART 01, L/ART 02)

Poetics and languages ​​of arts in the contemporary age 5 cfu 10 hours (2 modules ssds L/ART 03, L/ART 05)

15 cfu seminars, conventions, conferences

5 cfu laboratories and workshops: 3 cfu Digital Humanities laboratory (12 hours); 2 cfu workshop: Planning and funding of the research (8 hours)

10 cfu Research and thesis writing

15 cfu Stage, tutoring activities, research activities at Italian and foreign institutions, scientific publications


10 cfu seminars

10 cfu Stage, tutoring activities, research activities at Italian and foreign institutions, scientific publications

10 cfu Research and thesis writing

30 cfu final exam

B = characterizing training activities

E = final exam 30

F = other activities 115 cfu
-To pass the year, PhD students need to acquire 60 cfu. In justified cases, it is possible to pass the year with 50 cfu providing the 10 missing cfu in the following academic year.
-The cfu related to the characterizing activities (frontal teaching) are acquired after passing an assessment interview. There are no marks.
-The cfu related to seminars, conferences, conventions, laboratories and workshops are acquired following the registration of attendance. The number of cfu for each activity is specified in the programme.
-The cfu related to individual research and stages, tutoring activities, research activities at Italian and foreign institutions, scientific publications are recognized by the PhD board on the proposal of the tutor.
The cfu related to language skills (advancement of the knowledge level) are acquired through the presentation of a certification relating to the attendance of a course at the CLA or through the presentation of certification provided by an examination board recognized by the MIUR.