Art. 1
1) Pursuant to the university regulations on PhD programmes, the present regulation shall regulate the organizational aspects of the research doctorate in Methods and Methodology in the Archeological and Art Historical Research
2) The Department of reference is the Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences
3) The managing academic body of the Doctorate is the Academic Board, hereinafter referred to as CD.
4) The Didactic Committee, with preliminary functions, is made up of the coordinator and the managers of the curricula.
Art. 2
Specific learning objectives, professional profiles and expected employment opportunities
Established in 2005, the PhD Course in methods and methodologies of archeological and historical-artistic research is promoted by the Department of Cultural Heritage Sciences of the University of Salerno and is characterized by the presence of a wide range of subjects that have as their object the study, interpretation, enhancement and planning in the field of cultural heritage, meant in the dynamic and relational exception defined by the Faro Convention.
The Doctorate in in Methods and Methodology in the Archeological and Art Historical Research
suggests a higher education path that provide critical-theoretical tools and methods which are useful for facing the complexity and contradictions of the present.
The PhD programme focuses on the impact that the research activities promoted by the doctorate can have concerning the preservation and the enhancement of the cultural heritage which is observed in its history and interpreted in its perspectives contributing to the development of a more aware and inclusive society.
Scientific and planning skills in the field of archaeological, historical, artistic, aesthetic, visual arts and theater disciplines are therefore enhanced through targeted teaching and research activities, favoring a critical approach open to comparison and the multiplicity of knowledge and contexts for the development of an integrated way of intervening on cultural heritage.
The Doctorate aims to provide a scientific and technical training provided with a wide and updated methodological set suitable for the professions of archaeologist, art historian, art critic, curator and conservator of museum collections, curator of exhibitions and cultural dissemination projects, historian and theater critic, expert of territorial information systems in relation to cultural heritage. The doctorate aims to respond to a demand for highly qualified work in Institutions dedicated to research and training (Universities, CNR, Higher Education Institutes, Academies of Fine Arts), as well as to the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Territorial Superintendencies in charge of Archaeological and Historical Artistic Heritage). Furthermore, these professional figures can also assume a managerial role in the most articulated and varied world of society, businesses, cultural organizations, foundations, regional and local administrations that operate in the cultural heritage sector, profitably crossing public and private.
Art. 3
Admission requirements and access procedures
– Pursuant to art.8 of the University Regulations on research doctorates, admission to doctoral courses is based on a public selection.
– The application for the doctorate in Methods and Methodology in the Archeological and Art Historical Research can be submitted, without limitation of citizenship, by any person who by the deadline of the call for application has got a master’s degree or a suitable foreign qualification in:
LM-02 Archeology
LM-10 Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage
LM-11 Sciences for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
LM-15 Philology, Literatures and history of Antiquity
LM-65 Entertainment Sciences and Multimedia Production
LM-78 Philosophical Sciences
LM-80 Geographical Sciences
LM-84 Historical Sciences
LM-89 History of art
LMR/02 Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
2/S Specialization in Archeology
10/S Specialization in Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage
12/S Specialization in Conservation and Restoration of Historical-Artistic Heritage
15/S Specialization in Philology and Literatures of Antiquity
18/S Specialization in Theoretical, Moral, Political and Aesthetic philosophy
73/S Specialization in Entertainment Sciences and Multimedia Production)
93/S Specialization in Ancient History
95/S Specialization in History of Art
96/S Specialization in History of Philosophy
A level B2 of proficiency in one of the main European Languages (English, French, Spanish, German) is recommended.
Every year applicants can find the number of available places, the content, the timeframe, the modalities of admission exam in the Notice of Competition published in the University Register and on the Doctoral website.
The deadlines and procedures for enrolling in the course and for any scrolling of the ranking are also indicated in the Notice of Competition.
Art. 4
Structure of the course
1. The legal duration of the PhD course is three years. (cannot be less than three years)
2. For the attainment of the degree, the student must acquire 180 ECTS
The PhD title corresponds to the attainment of 180 CFU of the following types of training activities:
Frontal teaching: characterizing training activities.
2. Other training activities (TAF F) articulated as follows:
Seminars, conventions and conferences
Laboratories, workshops
Stage, tutoring activities, research activities at Italian and foreign institutions, scientific publications.
Language skills.
Research and writing of the thesis
3. Final exam
The 180 credits are roughly divided as follows:
-1st year 60 CFU
-2nd year 60 CFU
-3rd year 60 CFU
The RAD of the PhD course with an indication of the planned activities, the scientific disciplinary fields and the articulation of the CFU is shown in Annex 1 to this regulation.
During the first year the Academic Board designates a tutor for each PhD student. The tutor is chosen among the members of the Board or among other teachers indicated by the Board, he has the task of following and guiding the PhD student in the research activity. The tutor can be supported by a co-Tutor.
The Doctoral Program in Archaeological Research Methods and Methodologies promotes international cooperation by encouraging international co-tutorship agreements in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of the University Regulations on Doctorates.
Art. 5
Study plan
The Doctoral Course in Methods and Methodologies of Archaeological and Historical-Artistic Research is divided into n.2 curricula:
1. Archeology and territorial systems.
2. History of art, aesthetics and Languages of Images
The course of study includes the training activities described in art. 4 of these Regulations.
Information on the teaching and other educational activities of the PhD. MeM research such as the contents, the training activities (courses, seminars, laboratories, etc.), the description of the assessment methods, etc. are published yearly on the course website
A permanent tutoring activity will support the PhD students providing a punctual control and verification of the progress of their research and the drafting of written texts up to the completion of the final draft and its presentation to the Committee for the final exam. Conferences and conventions as well as the drafting and publication of relevant articles can effectively contribute to their written texts.
Language courses
PhD students have to improve their level of knowledge in one of the main European languages (English, French, Spanish, German). To achieve this goal, they can attend one of the language courses offered by the University Language Centre which guarantees coverage of costs up to the most advanced level. The achievement of level C1 is recommended.
Art. 6
Organization of training activities/ PhD courses
1. The training plan is proposed by the Didactic Committee and approved by the PhD Board by 31 July.
2. The training activities of the Research Doctorate normally start on 1st October.
3. Training is conventionally divided for each year of the course into two semesters: the beginning of the first semester coincides with the start of the activities; the second semester normally starts in the second half of February.
4. For each academic year, the PhD Board, as part of the Department Council’s coordination and in accordance with the deliberations of the Academic Senate on the subject, determines its own didactic calendar. Courses, lessons’ timetable, the schedule of training activities are published in advance on the Course website.
5. Courses organization includes activities specialized for each curriculum and activities shared by the two curricula.
Each specialized course is organized following specific the specific thematic area of reference.
Art. 7
Absence from studies
Absences from training activities are granted under a justified request sent via email to the PhD Committee.
Art. 8
Midterm tests
1. Pursuant to art. 13, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the University Regulations on PhD programmes, at the end of each academic year of the PhD course the PhD student is required to submit a report on the carried-out activity as well as the results achieved to the Phd Board.
2. According to the provisions of article 4, paragraph 6, letter h of the University Regulations on PhD programmes, the Phd Board decides on admission to the following year as well as on admission to the final exam.
Any negative evaluation by the Board leads to exclusion from the PhD course, with loss of the scholarship, where granted.
Art. 9
Final tests.
1. Pursuant to art.16 of the University Regulation on PhD programmes, the title of Research Doctor abbreviated “Dott.Ric.”(Ph.D) is issued by the Rector following the positive evaluation of a research thesis that contributes to the advancement of knowledge or methodologies in the chosen field of investigation.
2. The Doctoral thesis must:
1. be drawn up in Italian or in English. It is possible to use another language with the prior authorization of the PhD Board;
2. contain an abstract in Italian and English and where appropriate in the language in which the thesis is written;
3. a report of all activities undertaken over the course of the PhD programme and any publication during the same shall be submitted.
3. The thesis is evaluated by at least two external highly qualified Professors, who may also belong to foreign Institutions. The evaluators express a written analytical judgment on the thesis and either propose its admission to the public dissertation or its postponement for a period not exceeding six months if they consider significant additions or corrections necessary. After this period, the thesis is in any case admitted to public dissertation, accompanied by a new written judgment by the same evaluators.
4.The public defense takes place before a Committee, appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the Board in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of the University Regulations on Doctorate. At the end of the defense, the thesis, with motivated written joint judgment, is either approved or rejected. If the thesis is rejected, it will no longer be possible to defend it. Should the dissertation contain findings of high scientific value, the Board, pursuant to unanimous vote, may confer the degree with honours.
Within thirty days of the defense, the University will deposit the thesis, also in electronic format, in the ministerial database and at the central national libraries.
Upon request of the candidate and the tutor, conditionally to the approval of the Academic Board, part of the thesis, concerning the display of data covered by industrial confidentiality, can be made unavailable, in pursuance of provisions provided on this matter.
Art 10
Study course website
1. All information relating to the Doctorate in Methods and methodologies of archaeological and historical-artistic research is published on the website of the Department and on the website of the Doctorate dottoratomem .it (
2. Before the start of each academic year, the following are made available for consultation:
. the calendar of all scheduled trainings activities and the calendar of the final tests;
. any other information on the PhD course.
RAD PhD in Methods and methodologies of archaeological and historical-artistic research.
Characterizing activities Field Cfu
Minimum/ Maximum
L-ANT/02 Greek History
L-ANT/04 Numismatic
L-ANT/06 Etruscology and italic antiquities
L-ANT/07 Classic Archeology
L-ANT/10 Methodologies of archeological research
L-ART/01 History of Medieval Art
L-ART/02 History of Modern Art
L-ART/03 History of Contemporary Art
L-ART/04 Museology, Art and Restoration criticism
L-ART/05 Performing Arts studies
M-FIL/03 Moral Philosophy
M-FIL/04 Aesthetics
M-FIL/06 History of Philosophy
Others training activities (TAF F)
CFU Min-Max
10-40 Seminars, conferences, conventions
5-20 Laboratories, workshops
20-40 Research and thesis writing
20-40 Stages, tutoring activities, study activities at Italian and foreign institutions, scientific publications
10-10 Language skills
65-150 Total cfu
30-30 Final exam
Total required credits for the PhD: 180
Total cfu range 155 – 240